Earn money with adindex!

Welcome to our marketing network!

Join our network today and start earning money while promoting products you believe in. Sign up now to get started!

Who we are

adindex is an experienced team of marketing-managers and software-developers who have been offering a wide range of marketing-services since the company was founded in 2011. Since 2022, we have been focusing on our high-performance marketing/CPC network with a large number of renowned advertisers from well-known online portals & shops.

Our Team!

Our services

With over 7000 advertisers, our marketing network offers a wide range of CPC campaigns for well-known online shops and portals, as well as an independent API connection for publishers and website operators. In our easy-to-use performance hub, you can browse through the extensive catalogue of our advertisers, as well as view and evaluate the performance of current campaigns and subsequently pay out the resulting commission.

About Us!

Your benefits

By simply embedding advertising and product images on advertising spaces on your website/web-portal using data from our marketing/CPC network, you (regardless of whether you are a professional publisher or a private website operator) can earn income through clicks and interactions conveniently and without much effort.

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Our Team

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We would like to accompany you on your way to more customers and sales. Register without obligation or send us an inquiry.

As a Publisher

  • free of charge and without obligation
  • exclusive campaigns
  • high commissions
  • personal support
  • simple interfaces & tools
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